Cross Current Insurance believes in giving back any way we can to support organizations like the Guide Relief Program, which supports guides on and off the water.
Led by cofounders Mollie Simpkins, the Executive Director, and KynsLee Scott, Director of Outreach and Guide Services, the Guide Relief Program realized there is no social safety net in place for guides and no organization that provided access to even the basic benefits traditionally offered by employers.
GRP started during the COVID-19 crisis to support Montana’s fishing guides, fly and conventional, by providing critical information and resources regarding unemployment, grants and loans, and financial relief.
By supporting the Guide Relief Program (GRP), you will help support their mission of supporting the physical and mental health of fishing guides on and off the water. The Guide Relief Program offers financial support in the way of small grants to guides who are in crisis. Additionally, approved guides will have immediate access to two months of mental heath services at no cost.
So please consider supporting the Guide Relief Program today!
Learn more about the Guide Relief Program and how you can support them.