Travel Insurance for Outdoor Adventures

Purchase travel insurance for your next trip and have the peace of mind that you will be protected.

We’ve partnered with two leaders in the industry to provide you the best travel insurance on the market.

If you are taking that bucket-list trip and need travel insurance, our trusted partners are here to help. Coverage options include trip cancellation/delays, medical emergencies, terrorism, hurricane/weather events, and even search and rescue.

Answer this one question, and we’ll direct you to the product to best fit your needs:

Do you need “Search & Rescue?”

If your trip will be taking you to remote locations or you may need Search & Rescue from point of emergency, select “Yes”. If evacuation from a local medical facility to your home hospital will be adequately protecting for you, select “No.”

You are about to leave this website and go to our trusted travel insurance partner Redpoint's website.

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Go to Redpoint Travel Protection Site

Please contact us with any questions. You can use our online chat.

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You are about to leave this website. Choose either of our trusted travel insurance partner for you trip. Click either logo to continue.

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Go to TME Travel Insurance Site

Please contact us with any questions. You can use our online chat.

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Hurricane & weather

Trip Cancellation


Medical emergencies

and more

"The website is easy to use, a wide range of insurance is offered and it is easy to pay. A great experience. Will definitely use again."

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