Fishing & Hunting Guide & Outfitter Liability Insurance Application

Policy expires at 12:01 AM EST on 1/1/2026

Read Before You Start!

This application is for Fishing & Hunting Guides & Outfitters.

If you are primarily a Guide or Outfitter for ice fishing or any other outdoor activities, we have other great coverage options for you, but not through this application. Please fill out this form instead.


Q: How soon will I get my guide liability insurance proposal?
We will do our best to email your proposal to you within two business days of your submission. If you do not see it in your inbox, we ask that you check your Spam/Junk folder and also search your inbox for "Cross Current Proposal" as this will be in the email subject line with your name. Then if you still cannot find it, email us or use our online chat.

Q: How soon can I get a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?
A: The general process is:

    1. The insured completes an application
    2. Applications are reviewed for underwriting acceptability
    3. We send the bindable quote proposal with payment link to the insured within 2 business days (most are same day)
    4. Once payment is received, coverage is considered bound and Certificates are emailed to the insured within 2 business days (most are same day as payment received)

Q: Why does everyone in this program have the same renewal date of January 1st?
A: All guides in our program are written onto a single master policy which is a 12 month term beginning January 1st each year.

Q: I have someone asking me to name them as an Additional Insured, can you help me with this?
A: Yes. Almost all of our clients have someone asking them for certificates, and there is no additional charge for governmental entities asking to be named as an additional insured. Governmental Additional Insureds include the National Parks Department, National Forests, local towns/municipalities. Most of the time, the requesting party will have a .gov email address.

Q: Why is there no charge for Governmental entities but a charge for private businesses?
A: Easy answer: if something were to happen on government property, you have a very slim chance of suing the US Government, and as such, does not present a significant risk of you successfully filing a claim against them. Private businesses have a much different legal climate, and individuals or private land owners that give you water access are much more likely to bring a suit, so we have to collect a small additional premium to cover this exposure. If the requesting party does not have a .gov email address, they are most likely not a governmental entity!

Q: A fly shop/private land owner is asking me to name them as Additional Insured (AI), is this the same thing?
A: Yes and no. It affords them coverage under your policy, but there is a $25 charge for every non-governmental AI that is requesting you add them to your policy. More often than not, a copy of your current certificate of insurance will suffice in these situations, and if someone is requesting that you add them as AI who you think shouldn’t be, let us know. We’re always happy to advocate for our clients whenever they need our help.

Q: I guide in several different states during the season, am I covered in all of them?
A: Yes. Through our Guide Liability policy, your coverage extends to all 50 states, Canada, and US Territories.

Q: I live in Canada, can I buy insurance from Cross Current?
A: At this time, we are only licensed to write policies for clients with a mailing address in the United States.

Q: Does this program cover my liability if I’m taking my friends, family, or significant other fishing?
A: No. Our program is for guiding operations only, it does not cover private/pleasure use.

Q: Do you offer a lower deductible on property coverage?
A: The deductible for property coverage on this policy is $1000 per claim. We only offer this option because it helps us to keep this coverage as cost-effective as possible for our clients without claims. The more small/frivolous claims we have per year will potentially cause a rate increase to all of our guide clients the following policy year.

Q: Can I insure just my boat and gear on its own through Cross Current?
A: The only way to purchase coverage for your property is if you also purchase Guide/Outfitter coverage. Keep in mind that our policy only protects the property when in commercial use. Personal use and liability coverage for non-motorized boats is excluded from the Guide/Outfitter policy, but we can secure this coverage for you separately.

Q: Can I be audited by the insurance company?
A: No! Our program’s pricing is simply based off of the number of people you choose to insure under your policy, rather than basing your premium off of your annual sales or revenue. But, if a claim occurs with a guide you did not declare or insure your claim may be denied.


Q: Why is there a $100 charge for motorized boat usage?
A: Boats with motors can cause considerably more damage to other people’s property than a boat being propelled by oars or paddles, and as such requires additional premium.

Q: I saw that I can insure my boats under this policy, what about my snowmobile, ATV, golf cart, yacht, or jet ski?
A: Unfortunately, we can only insure boats under 26’ to this policy. Boats over 26’ and/or subject to USCG Inspections, and all other types of motorized vehicles will need to be insured on a separate policy.

Q: My canoe has a trolling motor, will I need to pay the $100 for that too?
A: No. Boats that are propelled by trolling motors only are rated at the non-motorized boat charge.

Auto coverage:

Q: Does your policy cover my auto liability when clients are riding in my car?
A: No. State-mandated coverages and limits vary greatly across the country, and we can’t offer a one size fits all option through our Guide Policy.

Q: What if the state I live in won’t let me apply for a guide’s license or launch my boat in one of their Parks unless I have commercial coverage for my car. How do I get this?
A: Contact the company you buy your personal auto insurance from and they should be able to add ‘business use’ to your policy for an additional charge. The premium for this coverage can fluctuate considerably depending on the value of your car, deductible, insurance limits, location, etc.

Q: Do you have plans to make this coverage available through your Guide Liability policy in the future?
A: Not at this time. Guide Liability insurance is designed to cover your business for the risks it faces on the water. The risks you face while driving with clients in the car is another can of San Juan worms.

Q: Is my trailer covered when it’s being towed behind my vehicle?
A: The property itself is covered as long as it’s in transit on a guided trip. Property damage that you cause with the trailer or any other liability issues are not covered. Almost all personal and business auto policies cover trailers with the same limits as your car when it’s being towed behind your vehicle.

Some auto policies require that the trailer be scheduled on your policy for coverage to apply. Certain auto policies will also only cover the trailer itself, but not the equipment that is on it (boat/ATV/Personal property stored inside the boat, etc.). This varies by insurance carrier and state, so please check your auto policy before assuming it’s covered.

If you want to send us a copy of your auto policy, we’d be happy to review it for you and let you know what you have for trailer coverage.hat

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The Cross Current Conservation Association liability insurance program is intended to cover guided fishing and hunting operations and related services ONLY. If you need insurance coverage for any of the following activities or exposures, they will need to be insured on a separate policy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

All equine, retail, lodging, ATVs, whitewater operations over class III, Ice fishing, deep sea fishing (water depth of 30 meters or more and/or 5 miles or more offshore), and watercraft over 26 feet in length.


This policy does not cover liability, injuries, or property damage sustained by your clients if they are riding in your personal automobile. You may already have coverage through your personal car insurance, but typically, commercial use is excluded.


You MUST have signed and dated client waiver of liability or hold harmless forms as their acknowledgement of inherent risks. These forms should be kept for 3 years and readily available in event of an insurance audit or claim. We can provide a sample for you to customize once you’re a client.


The coverage information contained in this questionnaire is only a general description. In the event of a claim, any coverage provided by the insurer is subject to Terms, Conditions and Exclusions in the actual policy.


Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, commits a fraudulent insurance act which is a crime and may subject such person to criminal and civil penalties.

The undersigned states that he/she is the Applicant or is an authorized representative of the Applicant and declares to the best of his/her knowledge and belief that the statements set forth in this application are true and complete and may be relied upon by the insurance company in quoting and issuing the policy.

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